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Smartphone App Aims to Provide Refugee Children With Mobile Education

Smartphone App Aims to Provide Refugee Children with Mobile Education

For the hundreds of thousands of refugee children on the move after fleeing war-torn Syria, the lack of stability oftentimes means being unable to continue an education.

The non-profit Aliim is seeking to remedy this by promoting a smartphone-based educational program for refugees who have not been integrated into their new country’s school system.

"Last week the organization launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $75,000 to finance the program, which will allow them to teach 250 Syrian refugees through an Android smartphone,” said CNBC.

The pilot program, which will last for nine months, seeks to test the effectiveness of providing refugees with the option of having a more flexible education as they get acclimated into their new home.

Aliim is not the only organization to be considering mobile learning for educating Syrian refugee children.

"UNICEF is developing a virtual school which will teach refugee children Arabic, English, math and science using online assessments and certification, and providing hand-held Raspberry Pi computers to children in Lebanon to teach them numeracy skills and programing,” CNBC said.

Read the full story.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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