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Report Makes Recommendations For How University Admin Can Improve Teacher Education Practices

Report Makes Recommendations For How University Admin Can Improve Teacher Education Practices

A new report from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) included a series of recommendations for university administrators in order to bolster teacher education practices on a national level.

The recommendations are as follows:

1. Bolster clinical experiences for teacher candidates.

2. Develop strong relationships between teacher candidates and pre-school, K-12 partners.

3. Improve recruitment practices for "students currently in high school, community college, or early university studies."

4. If lacking, build strong articulation agreements with community colleges, who contribute over 30 percent of teacher candidate cohort.

5. Develop strategies to help professionalize the teaching profession.

These recommendations, AASCU says, can be met by university administrators and also public policy professionals. Public policy professionals are encouraged to:

1. Strengthen federal policies regarding teacher preparation.

2. Provide federal funds to research and evaluate teacher preparation programs.

3. Improve teacher recruitment and retention strategies.

4. Create strong state policies regarding teacher education.

These suggestions and recommendations are in response to a survey that AASCU conducted that outlines the many challenges currently affecting the teaching profession.

Such challenges include low pay, a high cost of majoring in education, difficulty recruiting diverse teacher candidates, difficulty recruiting teacher candidates in high-need areas, constrained budgets and constant criticism from policymakers, the media and the like.

"Although the context for today's teacher education is complex and characterized by myriad challenges, the AASCU survey of state college and university leaders shows both the need for and the willingness to redouble efforts on behalf of strong and innovative preparation programs," the report reads.

"Now is the time for the nation's public universities to build on their long-standing commitment to preparing educators by focusing on the key strategies and advocating for the policy recommendations articulated in this report."

Read the full report.

Nicole Gorman, Senior Education World Contributor


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