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'Out Sick with the Snyder-Flu:’ Students Walk Out to Support Detroit Teachers

'Out Sick with the Snyder-Flu:’ Students Walk Out to Support Detroit Teachers

It’s a new school week in Detroit Public Schools, but not a whole lot has changed from last week and the week prior as tensions between school officials and teachers persists.

Michigan Court of Appeals denied once again a request from Detroit Public Schools to file a temporary restraint against absent teachers, citing not enough information to determine the sick-outs were organized by individuals or the union, said The Detroit Free Press.

The tension continues between Detroit teachers and the school officials as the school system’s teachers protest conditions they said have been going on unfixed for too long.

Last Wednesday, 88 of about 100 public schools were closed due to sick-outs, keeping thousands of students home.

The week before, teachers took to social media to show the public pictures of the conditions at the center of their protest, showcasing moldy classrooms and facilities in desperate need of cleaning and repair.

At noon yesterday, students in several schools opted to walk out of class in support of their teachers.

According to The Detroit News, students at Cass Technical School walked out of class in unison to march outside the school. Students carried signs supporting their teachers; the photos show students carrying signs that say "Out Sick with the Synder-Flu."

The Synder-Flu is in reference to Michigan’s governor Rick Snyder, who many say is not doing enough to address the city’s education problems.

The next court hearing against 28 Detroit teachers and union members will be held Feb. 16.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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