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Questionable Benefits for More Rigorous Kindergarten Schedules

Kindergarten Schedules Becoming Rigorous

The playful style of traditional kindergarten is becoming a thing of the past as schools implement more rigorous programs. 

According to the Washington Post, play has been replaced with reading, writing and aritmetic as well as tests on these subjects. Strauss also says some teachers have stopped offering a snack or recess because there just isn't time for them.  

Sample half-day and daily schedules from UT, PA and TX were among those reviewed by the Post and show in detail the packed agendas that kindergartens are putting in place.

According to the Alliance for Childhood, a non-profit organization, "Long-term research casts doubt on the assumption that starting earlier on teaching of phonics and other discrete skills leads to better results."

Read the full story.

Article by Navindra Persaud, EducationWorld Contributor

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