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In Honor of National Crayon Day, Crayon Collection Seeks National Support

The Crayon Collection is asking for help from individuals all over the country to donate to its largest national crayon drive on today, National Crayon Day.

"Proceeds will support the Crayon Collection's distribution of crayons to more than 1000 Title 1 Schools and Head Start Centers across the country. This relieves the burden placed on many teachers to purchase crayons out-of-pocket, most spending approximately $750 a year on basic classroom supplies,” said The Crayon Collection in a statement.

Besides seeking help from individuals the Crayon Collection says it also gets help from some important business partners- particularly Denny’s Restaurants. The restaurant chain will be donating gently used crayons left behind by diners.

"The National Head Start Association's Executive Director Yasmina Vinci says receiving all those quality crayons donated from restaurants and participants is helping them help children succeed. 'Restaurants throw away millions of crayons each year and together we can keep them out of landfills and put them in the hands of children in need,' said Vinci.”

Crayon Collection has several suggestions for individuals who wish to get involved in the efforts to get kids the supplies they need without requiring already cash-strapped teachers to reach into their own pockets.

For one, the organization recommends starting a crayon collection by simply downloading a printable sign and placing it on an empty, spare bin to begin.

In order to get even more attention and potential donators, the organization recommends holding a crayon drive at another form of a fundraiser- like a bake sale.

The organization also provides a link to start your own fundraiser online as well as suggests simply donating gently-used crayons to a school near you.

Read the full list of tips here.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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