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Frustrated Parents Call School Uniform Policy Discriminatory

Does what a student wear to school build character? That question is part of the current debate between parents and some Guilford County, NC, school administrators.

About 36 out of 126 schools in the district require students to wear uniforms, but some say the district should stop allowing individual schools to adopt a uniform dress code.

Several parents complained the dress code policy is discriminatory because 30 of the 36 schools in which it is required are in low-income, high minority communities or designated Title I schools. They also said students were being taken out of classrooms for things like not tucking in their shirts, logos on polos being too big or not having the right belt.

"I don't understand why you think just because I live in a Title I district, I can't dress my child. It should be left for me as a parent," said mom Megan Eller. "This has been a long, long conversation and I'm tired of it!"

Read the full story.

Article by Celine Provini, EducationWorld Editor

Do school uniforms build student character?

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