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Seven Stories and Books to Share on Pi Day

On March 14, math enthusiasts around the world will celebrate Pi Day. Education World has gathered a list of stories teachers can use for their K-12 classrooms. This article lists children's books as well as stories from resource for older students can refer to on Pi Day. 

  1. Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander: Amazon says: "Sir Cumference, Lady Di of Ameter, and Radius are back in their second Math Adventure! This time, a potion has changed Sir Cumference into a fire-breathing dragon. Can Radius change him back? Join Radius on his quest through the castle to solve a riddle that will reveal the cure. It lies in discovering the magic number that is the same for all circles."
  2. Pi Goes to Washington: This is a story about how Congress voted to recognize March 14 as Pi Day. Here's a quick excerpt:

"March 14 fell on a Saturday in 2009, but that didn‘t stop things from heating up in the week leading up to it. On Monday, March 8th, Representative Bart Gordon of Tennessee introduced House Resolution 224, officially called 'Supporting the designation of Pi Day, and for other purposes.' As the chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology, Gordon’s intent was clear: to use the holiday as a platform for making a statement about the importance of math and science education in America."

  1. The Joy of Pi by David Blatner: This book, according to Amazon, "is a book of many parts. Breezy narratives recount the history of pi and the quirky stories of those obsessed with it."
  2. The Guy Who Named it Pi: Here students will learn about William Jones, the first mathematician to use the Greek letter to represent the ratio. 
  3. Archimedes and the Door of Science by Jeanne Bendick: Amazon says: "Against the backdrop of Archimedes' life and culture, the author discusses the man's work, his discoveries and the knowledge later based upon it."
  4. The Kid Memory Whiz: This is a story about a teenage pi reciter, Gaurav Raja, who broke the North American record reciting 10,980 digits. 
  5. Pi: A Biography of the World's Most Mysterious Number by Alfred S. Posamentier: Amazon says: "This enlightening and stimulating approach to mathematics will entertain lay readers while improving their mathematical literacy."

Article by Kassondra Granata, Education World Contributor