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Lesson Objective: To read a poem about baseball and then answer questions about it
By the end of the lesson, students will show an understanding of numbers before and after a given number on the number line, focusing on moving up...
Lesson Objective: Students will identify common contractions and know when to use them.
Lesson Objective: To learn about the history of baseball in America and answer questions about what has been learned
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to craft concise and engaging two-sentence love stories using descriptive language, imagery, and...
Students complete the activity by writing a summary paragraph that compares and contrasts ways in which they and Civil War soldiers battle boredom.
Lesson Objective: To write a story from the point of view of a baseball
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the functions of various body systems by participating in activities, discussions, and creative projects.
Students will learn to create and use a quick outline to plan and prepare writing an essay.
Lesson Objective: To use multiplication and division to solve equations.