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King George III

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Activity Key:

Uncorrected Text:

King George III is born on June 4, 1738 and live until Janary 29, 1820. During his life time, he reined as the king of Great Britain and Ireland. While king, he faced alot of trials. When american colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence, they address it to King George. During his reign, King George III lose the Revolutionary War, but he was able to successfully join Great Britain and Ireland to from the United Kingdom.

Answer Key:

King George III was born on June 4, 1738 and lived until January 29, 1820. During his lifetime, he reigned as the king of Great Britain and Ireland. While king, he faced a lot of trials. When American colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence, they addressed it to King George. During his reign, King George III lost the Revolutionary War, but he was able to successfully join Great Britain and Ireland to form the United Kingdom.


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