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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edits: The World's Largest Bay

Hand out this printable student work sheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

Have you ever taking a close look at a map of North America. If you look closely at canada, you will quickly spot the worlds largest bay. The Hudson Bay is named for Henry Hudson, whom explored the bay in 1610. A body of water called the Hudson Strait connects Hudson Bay too the Atlantic ocean the Hudson Bay is three times larger then all five of the Great Lakes combined!

Answer Key

Have you ever taken a close look at a map of North America? If you look closely at Canada, you will quickly spot the world's largest bay. The Hudson Bay is named for Henry Hudson, who explored the bay in 1610. A body of water called the Hudson Strait connects Hudson Bay to the Atlantic Ocean. The Hudson Bay is three times larger than all five of the Great Lakes combined!


Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World® Editor in Chief
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