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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edits: U.S.-Africa Capital Connection

Hand out this printable student work sheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

Did you know that the capital of one african country is named for a US President. Monrovia, Liberia's capital, city, is name for America's fifth president, James Monroe. When Monroe was president, some U.S. slaves were being freed. They were returned to Africa where they set up a colony call Monrovia. Twentyfive year later, the colony became the independent country of Liberia and Monrovia was it's capital city.

Answer Key

Did you know that the capital of one African country is named for a U.S. president? Monrovia, Liberia's capital [delete comma] city, is named for America's fifth president, James Monroe. When Monroe was president, some U.S. slaves were being freed. They were returned to Africa where they set up a colony called Monrovia. Twenty-five years later, the colony became the independent country of Liberia and Monrovia became its capital city.


Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World® Editor in Chief
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