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Step and Spell



  • Arts & Humanities
    --Language Arts
  • Educational Technology


  • K-2
  • 3-5

Brief Description

This is a spelling "active-ity" that also reinforces students' knowledge of the computer keyboard.



  • have fun -- and get a little exercise -- as they practice their spelling words.
  • reinforce their knowledge of the computer keyboard.


spelling, keyboard, computer

Materials Needed

  • 26 cards, each card with a different letter of the alphabet on it (If possible, the cards should be about 1 foot square. If you can laminate the cards, you will get lots of mileage out of them.)

Lesson Plan

Before the Lesson
Create 26 cards, each card with a different letter of the alphabet boldly written on it. The ideal size for each card is about 1-foot square. If possible, the cards should be laminated so you can get lots of mileage out of them. Once you have created the cards, arrange them on the floor to mimic the position of the letters on a computer keyboard. Tape the cards securely to the floor.

The Activity
You might introduce this activity to the entire class. Select a student to demonstrate the idea behind the lesson. Call out a spelling word for the week -- for example, happy. The student should step-out the spelling of the word. The student might start by first putting his right foot on the H, then his left foot on the A, then his right foot on the P. Then he might do a one-footed hop and land again on the P (to represent the second p in happy), and finally move his left foot to the Y.

If a student needs to shift feet in order to move to the next letter in a word, she might put both feet on the current letter, then shift footing or she might step back off the keyboard to change feet.
By doing this activity, students are also gaining more awareness of the computer keyboard. The repetition and the physical movement will help them master the location of the keyboard letters.


Did students correctly spell the spelling words?
As an extra challenge, after the activity you might provide students with a blank keyboard; see how many letters they can correctly write on it.

Lesson Plan Source

Submitted By

Gary Hopkins

National Standards

NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills

NT.K-12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts

See more Lesson Plans of the Day in our Lesson Plan of the Day Archive. (There you can search for lessons by subject too.)

For additional spelling lesson plans, see our Spelling Fun archive.

For additional technology lesson plans, see these Education World resources:

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