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When Do Smokers Start Smoking?

This graph shows how many out of every 100 smokers started smoking at different ages.

Smoking Graph
Now use the graph to answer each of these questions.

  1. How many of every 100 smokers started smoking before they were 16 years old? _________
  2. Did more smokers start smoking before they were 16 years old or between the ages of 16-17? ______________________
  3. How many of every 100 smokers started smoking between the ages of 18 and 20? __________
  4. How many of every 100 smokers started smoking before they turned 18 years old? __________
  5. Did more smokers start smoking between the ages of 16 and 17 or between the ages of 18 and 20? ________________

What does this bar graph tell you about smoking? Write your answer on the back of this page.

Graph source: Smoking and Health: A National Status Report (CDC)
� 1997 by Education World. Permission is granted to teachers to reproduce this skill page for classroom use.