

Ten Characters from American Folklore

Directions: Read stories* about the ten characters from American folklore whose names appear in the box. Then read each statement that follows. Who does each statement tell about? Write the character's name on the line before the statement.

Ethan Allen Johnny Appleseed Pecos Bill Daniel Boone Paul Bunyan
Davy Crockett John Henry Sam Hyde Jesse James Casey Jones

  1. __________ A bear helped him unfreeze the sun.

  2. __________ He saved Ohio settlers from an attack.

  3. __________ He tricked a farmer by telling about a deer he shot.

  4. __________ He helped a woman see that there was nothing to fear.

  5. __________ Death Valley (in California) was formed when he fell to the ground.

  6. __________ He helped build a railroad tunnel through Big Bend Mountain.

  7. __________ He first saw his wife, Rebecca, in the forest one night.

  8. __________ He did a good deed, then robbed the landlord to get his money back.

  9. __________ He always brought the train in on time.

  10. __________ His faithful companion was a blue ox.

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* For use with stories on the American Folklore Web site (