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Blackbeard's Beaches

DIRECTIONS: Bon voyage! You are going on a virtual tour of the lair of Blackbeard the pirate, but buccaneers should be the last of your fears. You are about to embark on a journey to North Carolina's Outer Banks, a very popular vacation destination on the East Coast of the United States. As you investigate, refer to the Web site below and answer the following questions. Yo ho ho! There be pirates afoot!

Cape Hatteras National Seashore

  1. Arriving from the north, what is the first memorial you will see?

  2. How many miles long is Bodie Island?

  3. What road connects Bodie and Hatteras Islands?

  4. What body of water separates Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands?

  5. When do hurricanes typically occur?

  6. Where is Manteo located?

  7. What landmark in the area is the focus of a relocation project?

  8. How many ranger stations are set up on the Outer Banks?

  9. What body of water lies between the Outer Banks and the mainland?

  10. Where is it possible to reserve a camping space?

Bonus: Where on the Outer Banks did Blackbeard hide from would-be captors?

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