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DIRECTIONS: Directions: Study the outline map of Australia. Write word or words that best finish each sentence.


1. Sydney, Australia's largest city, is located in _____.
(a) New South Wales    (b) Victoria    (c) Tasmania

2. The northernmost city on this map is _____.
(a) Northern Territory    (b) Hobart    (c) Darwin

3. Perth is located on the _____ coast of Australia.
(a) northeastern    (b) southwestern    (c) southeastern

4. Australia's capital city is _____.
(a) Brisbane    (b) Melbourne    (c) Canberra

5. Hobart is located in _____.
(a) Tasmania    (b) South Australia    (c) Victoria

6. Adelaide is _____ of Sydney.
(a) east    (b) west    (c) south

7. The section that shows more than one city is _____.
(a) South Australia    (b) Victoria    (c) New South Wales

8. The southernmost city on the mainland of Australia is _____.
(a) Melbourne    (b) Hobart    (c) Canberra

9. All the cities on this map are located _____.
(a) inland    (b) along the coast

Directions: Think back to the discussions using the world map or globe. Write the names of the sites listed below in the approximate locations on your map.

Indian Ocean, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Tasman Sea

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