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Secret Agent Stan’s Log

Stan's Log Date: February 14, 2003
Subject: Hez A. Skeemer
7:00am Subject leaves apartment in blue sedan.
7:25am Subject arrives at Latta Java and meets blonde dish. The conversation is so hush-hush that I can't get the scoop.
$1.50 black coffee
$1.75 banana nut muffin
7:45am Subject leaves Latta Java heading west.
8:15am Subject pulls into parking garage at Cupid's Department Store and goes inside.
$.65 The Friday Times
$.89 chips
$.50 soda
$3.50 parking fee
10:37am Subject returns with a curved red box, leaves garage, and travels east.
11:03am Subject stops at Fanny's Florals.
11:26am Subject emerges with long white box and splits.
12:05pm Subject arrives at Valentino's Restaurant. He eats lunch alone but has a pow-wow with a shady character carrying a stringed instrument.
$12.35 pasta a la Valentino
2 club sodas at $1.75 each
$3.69 tiramisu
$1.25 coffee
1:30pm Subject stops at The Queen's Jewels. After he chews the fat with a man behind the counter, money is exchanged. Subject leaves the shop with nothing in his hands, but he is packing something in his pocket.
2:12pm Subject picks up two greenhorns at B. Goode Elementary School and makes tracks.
2:48pm Greenhorns hop out of the car and race into the arms of a gray-haired dame on Nana's Lane. Subject keeps the car running and makes a clean getaway.
3:23pm Subject returns to his apartment and takes gear inside.
3:30pm Blonde from Latta Java shows up in white van marked "Dinner Is Served" and drops off the goods.
3:45pm Shady man from Valentino's arrives with a long case. Subject appears dressed to the nines and shows him in.
4:50pm A glow appears in the window of the pad. Something smells good. Music can be heard.
5:13pm Brunette pulls up in a red minivan. Subject surprises her at the door.

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