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Do You See What I See?



  • Visual Arts


  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Brief Description

Students reproduce a work of art by following oral directions.


Students practice their listening skills, ability to follow directions, and knowledge of directional terms.


listening, following directions, drawing, art

Materials Needed

  • an art poster or image from an online gallery or museum, such as those found at Google's Abstract Art images page.
    NOTE: Do not share random images from this site, as some abstract images might be inappropriate for your students' viewing. Select appropriate images in advance to share with your students.
  • crayons or markers
  • drawing paper

    Lesson Plan

    Describe a picture of an art poster or online image to students, and ask them to draw the picture based on your instructions. Describe the picture using directional words such as upper right, middle left, and so on. See how closely students can reproduce the picture from your instructions.


    Evaluate students on their ability to follow oral directions.

    Lesson Plan Source

    Education World

    National Standards

    Visual Arts: