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Triangles Are Not Bad!



  • Language Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Social Studies


  • K-2
  • 3-5

Brief Description

Students read aloud or dramatize a play in which a variety of shapes isolate themselves from one another as they proclaim their individual superiority.


Students explore stereotypes and learn to appreciate how diversity can contribute to the culture as a whole.


diversity, citizenship, shapes, play, multicultural, prejudice

Materials Needed

  • script from Triangles Are Not Bad!, printed and distributed to students
  • colored construction paper
  • glue
  • poster paper
  • drawing paper
  • scissors

    Lesson Plan

    Organize students into four groups and assign each group one of the shapes -- squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles -- in the play. Have each group cut out, in various colors and sizes, an assortment of construction paper representations of its assigned shape. Ask students in each group to use some of their shapes to create a poster representing the group. Provide students with copies of the play and ask for volunteers to read and/or act out parts in the play. You may prefer to read the play aloud to students as they act it out. Students can use the shapes they create to construct some of the items mentioned in the play. Discuss with students some of the questions provided at Triangles Are Not Bad!
    Note: Older students might follow the site's suggestion to explore the societal order of the planar world described in Flatland, a Romance of Many Dimensions, by Edwin A. Abbott (1963, B & N Imports).


    Evaluate students on their understanding of the concepts discussed following the play.

    Lesson Plan Source

    Education World (with resources from The Educators Referece Desk/ERIC)

    Submitted By

    Brenda Heredia, school psychologist, Oklahoma Child Service Demonstration Center

    National Standards

    U.S. History:
