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Experienced educators know that effective teaching is only possible after they establish a positive climate for learning in their classrooms. One of the most basic and easily implemented aspects of classroom climate is the development of class rules -- the list of behavioral standards that let students know what is expected of them and what the consequences of their behavior will be. In the Education World articles below, some of education's most respected experts on classroom management discuss how to develop and implement effective classroom rules.

Learn More About Creating Classroom Rules

Education World has published a number of expert articles about creating effective classroom rules. You can learn more by reading the following articles:

School "Rules": Ten Activities for Establishing Classroom Rules
Starting off the school year on the right foot includes establishing classroom rules that will last the whole year through. Education World editors offer a number of lessons and activities to help teachers involve students in establishing classroom rules.

Succeeding with Classroom Structure: Rules, Routines, and Standards
Dr. Fred Jones, author of Tools for Teaching, explains why highly effective teachers spend most of the first two weeks of school teaching classroom rules, routines, and procedures.

Class Rules Smooth Way for the Year
Mary Beth Forton, one of the authors of Rules in School, discusses how teachers can regain instructional time by developing class rules and consequences at the start of the year.

The Essential 55: Rules for a Lifetime
Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator's Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child, explains why his rules build kids' self-esteem by giving them skills they can use throughout their lives.

Rules Are Back in Style
Educator Brenda Dyck reflects on the resurgence of classroom rules in this Voice of Experience article. Included: Tips and Web resources for personalizing your own classroom rules.