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These Awesome Teachers Are a Student's Dream

The entertainment world introduced a number of fictional teachers who have brought adventure, fun and interesting teaching techniques to the classroom. These educators are role models for everything from establishing positive classroom climate to achieving complete student engagement.

Here are the five fictional teachers students would most love to have in real life:

Professor Albus Dumbledore
In the world of Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is considered the most powerful wizard of his time (aside from You-Know-Who). Dumbledore led Hogwarts' students to be the best witches and wizards they could be. He's eccentric, wise, trustworthy and dedicated: all traits that teachers hope to bestow on their students. He also served as a father figure to Harry and was highly respected among his colleagues for his leadership and public speaking skills.

Jennifer Honey
Miss Honey, the sweet elementary-school teacher from the book and movie Matilda, is every female teacher's role model. Not only does she win the hearts of many readers with her kind way with students, but she also adopts Matilda when her parents attempt to move to Guam. indiana jonesHoney is a loving, smart mentor to her students, allowing them to brighten up the classroom with their artwork and creativity, despite the mean principal's rules.

Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. (Indiana Jones)
Aside from teaching archaeology at a prestigious school, look at what he did on the weekends! Talk about adventure and success. Not everyone can put the possession of Sankara Stones, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the Crystal Skull of Akator on his resume. Dr. Jones was definitely an interesting teacher, and although most of his classes were filled with lovesick girls, every real teacher out there is envious of his success.

Valerie Frizzle
Ms. Frizzle, the bright, animated elementary-school teacher from "The Magic School Bus," not only got her students to participate in experiential learning, but also took them on the most exciting field trips imaginable. Whether it was exploring the solar system or the inside of the human body, Ms. Frizzle energized her class and implemented the most innovative lessons ever. All great educators try to mimick her energy and style in their classrooms. 

George Feeny
Everyone loved the feel-good sitcom "Boy Meets World" for two reasons: Topanga and Mr. Feeny. As Corey's next-door neighbor, he was always there to step in when trouble arose, whether it involved Corey or his parents. Although stern, Mr. Feeny served as an excellent mentor and life coach to Corey, Topanga and the rest of the gang. A father figure for many, his impact on students' lives is something all teachers strive to achieve. 


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Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor
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