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Aim for
More Who,
Less What


One of best lessons I learned in my early years of teaching was to focus on who we teach, not just what we teach.

Now, don't get me wrong. What we teach is vitally important to our students' success, as well as our school's success. But sacrificing the who for the what is just plain criminal.

I truly believe the success I've been able to enjoy with my students is due largely to the fact that I teach the student, not the subject. Yes, I want my students to learn the material, but more important, I want them to know they're loved, even if they don't learn the material or pass a test.

So start asking yourself, "Do you care more about your students succeeding in school or in life?" I'll let you decide what you think the right answer should be.

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Joe Martin The Educator Motivator: More Who, Less What
