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Book Report Makeover: ala Ebert & Roepe

Each week, Education World offers a new idea to help you "make over" boring book report formats. If you're looking for a way to spice up book reports -- and truly engage students in reading -- you've come to the right place. Check out this week's makeover idea

Turn your classroom critics into savvy reviewers with this book report activity.

Arrange students into pairs and assign each pair of students the same book to read. When they're finished reading, have each student individually write a review of the book -- in the style of a movie review. Invite students to read their reviews to their classmates; then encourage pairs of students to debate the merits of the book in a lively interaction ala Ebert & Roeper. Student pairs should conclude their presentation by awarding the book individual thumbs up or thumbs down. If possible, videotape all student presentations!

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