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Education World's
Learning Machine

Explore the coolest teaching resources on the Web.

From the Math Machine
Planet Blaster is a fun Web site for teaching basic computation or algebra. (Grades 2-7)

From the Science Machine
Use Flower Pollination to explore the topics of biology and flowering plants. (Grades 3-12)

From the Reading Machine
Synonym Toast reinforces vocabulary, synonyms.
(Grades 3-12)

We begin September with a brand new series by David Maxfield called "Speak Up or Burn Out: Five Crucial Conversations that Drive Educational Excellence." This four-part series discusses how educators can fight the underlying causes of teacher burnout by taking active steps to address those problems before they become overwhelming.
Are you worried about student burnout? Red Robin's U-ACT, which stands for Unbridled Acts -- or random acts of kindness -- is a character-building initiative for students in grades 6-8 that aims to inspire and energize students about the value of being kind to others. And what could possibly feel better than that?

Speak Up or
Burn Out

The best way to fight the creeping depersonalization and pessimism that underlie teacher burnout, says author David Maxfield, is to take active steps to address and resolve the problems that threaten to consume us.

Getting to Know You
Years ago, when Freyja Bergthorson discovered that despite name games and other icebreaker activities, many of her 150 students didn't know the names of others in their class, she took action in a flash -- a camera flash!

Wire Side Chat
See Me After Class:
Advice for Teachers by Teachers

New teachers often feel as though they need to do everything right -- and end up feeling as though they're doing everything wrong. Roxanna Elden shares anecdotes and advice from her new book on surviving the first year of teaching.

Strategy of the Week
Responsive Classroom
Developed by classroom teachers, the Responsive Classroom approach emphasizes students' social as well as academic growth.

Ken Shore: The Classroom Problem Solver
Class Participation
When students speak up in class, they learn to express their ideas in ways others can understand. When they ask questions, they learn how to increase their own understanding.

Ms. Powell's Tips for Organizing Your Classroom
Pockets of Real-World Reading Material
A large, heavy-duty chart with clear pockets is a great way to store a wide variety of authentic, real-world reading materials.

Classroom Management Article of the Week
The Secret's in the Little Things: Simple Tips for Successful Teachers
Here they are -- 12 quick tips to help make managing your classroom a breeze! Included are tips for getting to know your students, communicating with parents, getting your day of to a good start, and much more.

From Our Classroom Tips Library
Classroom Management: Easy Seat Assignments
Behavior Management: Make-Up Work, Chat Busters
Motivating Kids: Engage Them With Props
Book Report Makeover: Character Interview
Homework Tips: Excuses, Excuses
Best Idea: Calendar Art
Testing Tips: Just in Time

Joe Martin: The Teacher Motivator
Go for Your (Teaching) Goals
Persuade yourself to buy what youre selling by overexposing yourself to your own commercial. And what are you trying to sell yourself? Your teaching goals!

Emma McDonald: The New Teacher Advisor
The Secret Weapon: Getting to Know Your Students
Building positive relationships with students is the number one way to forestall behavior problems. The more students know and respect you, the more they will behave for you in the classroom.

Fred Jones's
Tools for Teaching

Weaning the Helpless Handraisers (Part 1)
Ah, the helpless handraisers -- students whose hands are waving in the air no matter what you do or say. Discover how to turn helpless handraisers into independent learners.

Eric Baylin's Songs to Brighten a Teacher's Day
Go, Teacher, Go
It's September and the lazy pace of summer has been overwhelmed by the quickened pace of school. On your markget sethold onto your grade books and Go!

Meet other members of Education World's Professional Development columnist team.

Featured Math Article
Get Real: Math in Everyday Life
How many times have students asked, "When are we ever going to use this in real life?" Discover more than a dozen great answers.

What's Your Angle?
Which meal goes to which restaurant customer?

Wendy Petti's Math Cats
Even Teachers Make Mistakes
Last year, a student caught me making a careless math mistake. I said, "This is the first math mistake I've ever made!" From then on, students took it as a friendly challenge to catch the math teacher making a math mistake.
Math Games
Squeeze Play: Review place value to 1000.
(Grades 2-3)

Math Mnemonics
Roman numerals (in order) for 50, 100, 500, and 1000.

Create a Classroom of Writers Using the Meet the Authors Collection
Drive home the importance of each step of the writing process with real words from real authors.

The Writer's Notebook
Laura Nardi's third graders get the "write" idea as "memory joggers" lead to the "author's chair."

Writing Lesson #1
Write a sequel to "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." (Grades 3-8)
Writing Lesson #2
Create a play based on an Australian kangaroo legend. (Grades 3-5)

Writing Bug #1
Fame, money, or power -- which is most important?

Writing Bug #2
When was someone upset by something you did -- or did not - do?

Reader's Theater
Writer's Block
A student has trouble completing a simple writing assignment-- until characters from his imagination help him overcome his "writer's block."

Cathy Puett Miller:
Phonological Weakness and Struggling Readers
Learn why phonological awareness -- the understanding that speech and the sounds of language can be broken into smaller units -- is important to all emerging readers.

Reading Feature
Free Voluntary Reading Pays Big Dividends
Teacher William Marson shares his success in motivating sixth-graders to read using a program he calls RFF (Reading for Fun).

Best Books for Teaching About...
Constitution Day

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