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"quoted" #34


Inspirational quotes make great additions to parent or staff newsletters. Click the quote below for a version of it designed to fit the bottom length of your 8-1/2- x 11-inch parent or staff newsletter.

Click on the image above to view a full-size version of the art that is designed to fit your 8-1/2- x 11-inch newsletter page. Then follow the instructions below for copying that image into your newsletter.

Using this "quoted" feature is simple. Just click on the image you want to use in your newsletter and copy and paste it into your school newsletter template. Voila! -- ready-made content for your parent or staff newsletter. You can use the image in your send-home or online parent newsletter without permission. Any other use of this material in print or on the Web is not allowed without the written consent of

For PC Users:

  • Right click on the "quoted" image you wish to use. Choose Copy from the pop-up menu.
  • To paste the image into your newsletter, position the cursor where you want the image to appear. In the main menu, select Edit and Paste (or Control + V).

For Mac Users:

  • Select the "quoted" image that you would like to paste into your newsletter.
  • Position your cursor on the image.
  • Click and hold the mouse button, then drag the image into your newsletter.
  • When the image appears in position in your newsletter, release the mouse button.

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