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The 28-month journey of the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark is often assigned in American History classes because it was an important journey and because it's a great story. If you end up with an assignment to learn more about Lewis & Clark, or if you are studying American history and might like to pick a topic related to Lewis & Clark for a report or a project, here are a few Web sites you ought to check out!

Explore the Lewis & Clark Trail
This site offers a pretty good overview of the expedition.

Lewis & Clark Timeline
A handy interactive timeline that shows you what happened when.

The People of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
On this page, you'll find a drop-down menu that includes the names of the people involved in the Lewis & Clark expedition, from the "top" (President Thomas Jefferson, who ordered the exploration of the West), to famous participants like Sacagawea (the Shoshoni Indian woman who helped the expedition), to lesser-known figures as well. A great source for focused reports!

The Journals of Lewis & Clark
Straight from the pens of the explorers!

The PBS TV Special on Lewis & Clark
This is the official site from the PBS series. This includes an interactive trail map among other resources.

Have fun!

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